"All big cow outfits have a large remuda, (herd of saddle horses). These horses provide each cowboy his own string of horses, which he is responsible for. The number of horses in a string numbered anywhere from 5 or 6, to 10 or 12. Dependign on the kind of country the cowboys are working, rough or easy, all of this along with how much work that's being done, determine the number of horses in a man's string.
It seems that every remuda has its own share of rough ones. Some turned bad, some were just bad from the start. Now these bad actors were put in a string of their own. One of the punchers would take them as his string. He would be paid a few dollars more to ride them. He would try to get them sociable enough to get his share of the cow work done.
What did a horse do to be cut into the rough string? Buck hard and long every time they were rode - - Buck only when they could trap a man and unload him - - Fall over backwards trying to fall on the rider - - Run off, kick, bite, streak . . . . or just any other ol' crosswise he could come up with."
Looking at the print you'll see that our cow puncher got a hold of a real rough horse. He is sure going to earn his money as a "Rough String Rider."
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