Collectors of western art are unique among art collectors. The western collector embodies the spirit of the West... individualistic, achievement oriented, freedom loving, honest & open.
Quite frankly, we like our customers and what they stand for. That's why we have specialized in the art of the West for so many years. We realize that not everyone collects western art, but we also know that there are those who wouldn't have anything but western art in their collection.
Surround yourself with the feeling of the West. Call us for information about our art. We'll also be glad to send you our free brochure on "Collecting Art of the American West" upon your request.
Ordering Information
- To place an order by phone or for more information please call 1-800-356-6733 or (817) 236-0005.
- To order by mail please print and complete Guildhall's order form. Then fax it to us at 817-236-0015.
- You can also order online by browsing through our many selections.
Guldhall accepts the following forms of payment:
Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
Guildhall Inc. offers an Unconditional 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If unsatisfied with your purchase, you may return it to us and we will refund the total purchase price paid for the art.